The Cordial Catholic
The Cordial Catholic
215: Why the Eucharist is God's Greatest Gift to the Church (w/ Dr. Lawrence Feingold)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined once again by one of the Catholic Church's leading theologians (and one of my favourite guests) Dr. Lawrence Feingold to talk about the Eucharist.
In this conversation, Dr. Feingold explains why, according to St. John Paul II, the Eucharist is the greatest gift God gave the Church; an enduring presence, closer even than what was experienced by the Apostles – and why this is so important!
If you're an Evangelical wondering what Catholics are talking about with the Eucharist or a Catholic looking to grow in your love for the Sacrament, this episode is sure to fire you up!
For more from Dr. Feingold check out his book The Eucharist: Mystery of Presence, Sacrifice and Communion and visit the St. Paul Center's Emmaus Academy where you can see Dr. Feingold's newest course (amongst others) on the Eucharist.
You can find more of his work including hours and hours of lectures at The Association of Hebrew Catholics.
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