The Cordial Catholic
A podcast for non-Catholics, new Catholics, or anyone interested in digging deeper into the Catholic faith. Hosted by Keith Little, a non-denominational Evangelical convert to Catholicism.
298 episodes
284: She Forgot She Was Catholic – But God Didn't! (w/ Avery Reukauf)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by Avery Reukauf, a Catholic convert with one of the most incredible conversion stories you'll ever hear!From the untimely death of her mother following a radical decision to be baptize...
283: Yes, You Should Pray to the Saints! (w/ Dr. Karlo Broussard)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by speaker, author, and accomplished Catholic Answers apologist Dr. Karlo Broussard to talk about praying to the saints.How do we know it's OK to pray to the saints? Why would the Chur...
282: From the Messianic Movement to the Catholic Church (w/ Dr. Matthew Wiseman)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by Dr. Matthew Wiseman for one of the most phenomenal conversion stories we've had on this podcast. Raised in a devoutly Southern Baptist home, Dr. Wiseman and his family, seeking a deeper und...
281: The Biblical Roots of the Year of Jubilee (w/ Dr. John Bergsma)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by my friend theologian, biblical scholar, and former Protestant pastor Dr. John Bergsma to talk about the deeply biblical roots of the Year of Jubilee. Pope Francis has declared 2025 ...
280: The Enormous Evangelical Problem of Christian Unity (w/ Rod Bennett)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined once again by one of my favourite guests and yours, my good friend Rod Bennett. Rod is a Catholic convert with a unique way of looking at t...
279: Typology, Conversion, and the Catholic Imagination (w/ Emily Chapman)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by celebrated Catholic author and convert (or, revert) to the Catholic faith Emily Stimpson Chapman to talk about all things Catholic. We dig into her own conversion story as someone w...
REPLAY: The Weird and Wonderful Roots of Christmas Traditions (w/ Dr. Michael Foley)
In this special episode from our archives, I'm joined by Dr. Michael Foley, renown author, professor of theology, and one of the best storytellers out there to explain some of the incredibly weird and terribly wonderful Christian roots of our f...

278: Can Catholics And Evangelical Christians Reunite? (w/ Nathan Smith)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by Nathan Smith, the Director of Ecumenism for Glenmary Home Missioners, a Catholic religious community, and as a consultant for the USCCB’s Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious...
277: An Evangelical Pastor Discovers Purgatory in the Bible (w/ Kenny Burchard)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by the inestimable Kenny Burchard. A convert to the Catholic faith, Kenny joins us to tell the remarkable story of his encounter with purgatory while preaching and studying the Bible. It was i...
276: The Evangelical Best Friends that Became Catholic (w/ Wendy and Zoe)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by Wendy and Zoe, from the Instagram page Catechumemes, to talk about their absolutely remarkable conversions to Catholicism – as two best...
275: Catholic Door-to-Door Evangelization (w/ Austin Habbish)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by Catholic convert, or revert from non-denominational Evangelical Christianity, Austin Habbish. Austin is the founder of Think Catholic, the host of the podcast Summa in a Year, and the heart...
274: Debunking the Biggest Myths of the Reformation (w/ Steve Weidenkopf)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by one of my all-time favourite guests Steve Weidenkopf. Steve is a lecturer, author, renown speaker, and an absolute expert on the subject of Church history and he brings his knowledge to bea...
273: Why Are We Still Protesting? (w/ Brandon Forschino)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by Evangelical convert to Catholicism Brandon Forschino to talk about his journey into the Catholic faith.Brandon was a zealous evangelist for Christ who went to Evangelical seminary t...
272: An Evangelical Pastor Realizes It's OK to be Catholic (w/ Sam Nunnally)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by the wonderful Sam Nunnally. Sam spent two decades as a charismatic, evangelical pastor before leaving to pursue the truth of Catholicism – a journey which took him many more years t...
271: From Mega Church to the Catholic Church (w/ Justine Callis)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by the extraordinary Justine Callis from The Theology of Conversion. She shares her journey from a staffer at a non-denominational...
270: Reasons to Reconsider Sola Scriptura (w/ Joel Peters)
In this not-to-be-missed episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by Catholic Answers contributor, speaker, and apologist Joel S. Peters to talk about arguments for Sola Scriptura – "Bible alone" Christianity – and reasons why he thinks non-...
269: The Shroud of Turin in the 21st Century (w/ Russ Breault)
In this not-to-be-missed episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by Russ Breault, a long-time researcher, writer, speaker, and evangelist who has made it his life's mission to share the incredible miracle that is the Shroud of Turin with au...
268: Discovering that the Early Church Wasn't Baptist (w/ Brayden Cook)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by the incredible Brayden Cook, the host of The Catechumen YouTube channel, to talk about his conversion to Catholicism as an intern Baptist minister. Brayden's story – which is my own...
267: Did Jesus Found the Catholic Church? (w/ Paul Zucarelli)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by Paul Zucarelli. A Catholic author, speaker, and evangelist to talk about the Church. Did Jesus found the Catholic Church – or many, different churches? What was Christ's plan f...
266: A Missionary Family on Fire for Christ Becomes Catholic (w/ Nic Davidson)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by my new best friend Nic Davidson to talk about how he, and his whole family, converted to Catholicism. Nic's got an amazing story to tell. As a missionary following the call of Chris...
265: How the Bible Came from the Catholic Church (w/ Gary Michuta)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by the renown expert on the Bible, apologist Gary Michuta. With bucketloads of insight, wisdom, and decades of research and experience Gary explains exactly how the Bible came out of the Catho...
264: What Sucks About the Catholic Church – And Why You Should Still Be Catholic! (w/ Dr. Larry Chapp)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by the indefectible Dr. Larry Chapp to talk about the heart of what draws Catholic converts into the Catholic Church – the truth, beauty, and goodness – and what sucks when those things don't ...
263: How I Became Catholic By Accident! (w/ Nate Ebel)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by Catholic convert Nate Ebel to explain how he became Catholic – by accident!Nate walks us through his faith journey. A journey not unlike my own conversion – it was in dispelling the...