The Cordial Catholic

237: Going Deep in History Made this Protestant Scholar Catholic (w/ Joshua Charles)

K. Albert Little, Joshua Charles

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by former White House speaker writer, New York Times #1 best-selling author, Bible scholar, historian, and Catholic convert Joshua Charles to talk about his simply incredible conversion story.

A lifelong Protestant, Joshua was steeped in Scripture from an early age, collecting study Bibles as soon as he could read and it was his love for Scripture that began to find him asking some uncomfortable questions about the Evangelical faith he was practising.

Questions about authority, biblical interpretation, what "binding and loosing" meant, how to understand Baptism, and many more questions like this.

When Joshua began digging into the Bible professionally, and was tasked with researching the Early Church, he began to find himself asking even more uncomfortable questions and finding a Christianity, at its roots, that looked very different from what he had experienced in his time as an Evangelical.

This incredible story told by a prolific writer and wonderful storyteller and it's utterly captivating. What truly happens when someone abandons themselves to searching for the Church Christ founded, at its very beginning? Well Joshua is here to tell you.

For more from Joshua follow him on Twitter or check out his website.

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