The Cordial Catholic
The Cordial Catholic
118: The Old Testament Roots of the Catholic Priesthood (w/ Dr. John Bergsma)
In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by Dr. John Bergsma to talk about the Old Testament Roots of the Catholic priesthood.
Dr. Bergsma is a Professor of Theology at The Franciscan University of Steubenville, a renown Biblical scholar, a former Protestant pastor, and a convert to the Catholic faith. In this episode, Dr. Bergsma takes us all the way back to Adam in the Garden of Eden to show how the priesthood is, in fact, how God has always interacted with man and exactly how, and why, a priesthood which began with Adam, continued through the patriarchs and prophets, continues today in the Catholic Church.
It's an incredible episode.
To hear more from Dr. Bergsma check out his website, and make sure to listen to our previous discussions on whatever podcast platform you use! Dr. Bergma's book Jesus and the Old Testament Roots of the Priesthood is available from Emmaus Road Publishing.
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