The Cordial Catholic

130: How to Make the Mass Great (w/ Dr. Denis McNamara)

K. Albert Little, Denis McNamara

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I'm joined by Dr. Denis McNamara, associate professor and Director of the Center for Beauty and Culture at Benedictine College to talk about Pope Francis's Motu Proprio on the celebration of the Mass, Traditionis Custodes  and how we can make the Mass great again.

We dig into how to. understand the parallel forms of the Mass: the Extraordinary (Latin Mass) and Ordinary Forms, what the Popes intended when allowing (and then restricting) the celebration of both, and how each of these forms can inform and improve the other.

This is a fantastic conversation all about how we can celebrate the Mass better – and exactly what that means – with one of my favourite liturgists and human beings of all time, Dr. Denis McNamara.

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